Política de Privacidade

MFM CONSULTORIA E ASSESSORIA EM INFORMATICA LTDA., a private legal entity registered under the CNPJ number 03.727.830/0001-03, located at Av. Fagundes Filho, 486 – Cj. 55, Vila da Saúde – São Paulo – SP, CEP 04304-000, is committed to respecting the privacy of its users, as well as the protection and security of their personal data.


This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) aims to clarify what information is collected from users of our websites and respective products and services (“Products” and “Services”), and how this data is treated.

To offer the Products and Services to its customers, MFMTI, through its websites, collects various data and information, aiming, above all, to provide an increasingly better experience for you.

MFMTI acknowledges that your privacy is very important, so we take all possible measures, within the best practices and existing solutions, to protect it. In this sense, this Policy aims to inform you how your personal data will be treated.

This document is an integral part of the Terms and Conditions of Use, which contains information about the use, waivers, and limitations of liability regarding the use of MFMTI’s websites and applications.

This Policy was written in a simple and accessible way, precisely so that you can read and understand how we use your data to provide a safe and comfortable experience in the use of the Products and Services offered.

Acceptance of this Policy will be considered formalized when you enter your information or register on our sites to use the Products and Services offered by MFMTI, even if for free.

This will indicate that you are aware and in full agreement with how we will use your information and data.

If you do not agree with this Policy, please do not continue your registration procedure to request the Products and Services provided or offered by MFMTI. However, we kindly request that you inform MFMTI of your eventual disagreement so that we can use your grounds to evaluate the revision of this Policy.

This Policy is divided as follows to facilitate your understanding:

PRIVACY POLICY (WEBSITE) ……………………………………………….. 1

1. INFORMATION THAT IS COLLECTED ……………………………………………….. 2
2. WHAT WE USE YOUR INFORMATION FOR ……………………………………………….. 3
3. ABOUT ACCESS TO YOUR PERSONAL DATA ……………………………………………….. 3
4. ABOUT DATA SHARING ……………………………………………….. 4
5. SECURITY MEASURES ……………………………………………….. 4
6. YOUR RIGHTS ……………………………………………….. 5
8. CHANGES IN THE PRIVACY POLICY ……………………………………………….. 6
9. COMPLAINTS ……………………………………………….. 6


Without prejudice to item 4 (below), access to your personal information will be restricted only to MFMTI employees and, among these, only to those with specific internal authorizations for such. Eventually, if the insertion of your information occurs in actions created in partnerships, partners will also have access to the information. Unless otherwise provided by law, no personal data may be publicly disclosed without your prior and express authorization. All your data is confidential and any use of such data will be in accordance with the Law and with this Policy. MFMTI will undertake all reasonable market efforts to ensure the security of our systems and, consequently, of your personal data. All your information will be encrypted whenever possible, provided it does not render its use by MFMTI unfeasible. Among other rights provided by law, upon request and at any time, you may have access to your personal data stored in our systems. MFMTI will keep your personal data and information only as long as they are necessary or relevant for the purposes described in this Policy or in case of predetermined periods by law or until they are necessary for the maintenance of legitimate interests of the company, in accordance with the Law.


MFMTI may share your personal data, including international sharing, with clients/partners or third parties, as reasonably necessary for the purposes established in this Policy and for the proper provision of our services.
All data, information, and content about you may be shared with third parties, when and to the extent strictly necessary, in the case of negotiations in which MFMTI is a party. MFMTI reserves the right to provide your data and information about you, including your interactions, if requested by a court order, necessary for the company to comply with national laws, or if we authorize it expressly.


To ensure the protection of your data, we use technical and administrative security measures to prevent unauthorized access and accidental and/or illicit situations of manipulation, loss, destruction, and/or alteration of said data. Security measures are continuously improved and adapted as applicable technology updates, and the best market practices in this regard are observed. All your information will be encrypted whenever possible, provided they do not make it impossible to use for the purposes provided here.


You can exercise your rights regarding the personal data processed by us, which are: I. confirmation of treatment’s existence; II. access to data; III. correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data; IV. anonymization, blocking, or elimination of unnecessary, excessive data V. data portability to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulation of the national authority, with commercial and industrial secrets observed; VI. deletion of personal data processed with the holder’s consent; VII. information on public and private entities with which the controller has shared the data; VIII. information about the possibility of not providing consent and the consequences of the refusal; and IX. revocation of consent. X. review of automated decisions. Data subjects may exercise their rights through written communication sent to the email: dpo@mfmti.com.br, specifying in the subject line: “Subject – Data Subject’s Rights,” indicating:
  • Full name, CPF number, and email address, and, if applicable, of their representative;
  • Right they want to exercise;
  • Date of the request and signature of the data subject;
  • Any document that may demonstrate or justify the exercise of their right.
To comply with your rights, we need the above data to confirm that the person exercising these rights is, in fact, you or a person authorized to act on your behalf. Note that the rights are not absolute and do not always apply to all cases, but we will always do everything we can to honor these rights under applicable data protection laws.


You may choose not to receive further emails from MFMTI, except for essential emails related to the continuation of our services or those that MFMTI is required to send to its users by law or regulation. It is important to mention that by filling out any form or performing any type of registration, your email will be added back to MFMTI’s contact list. Therefore, the cancellation request must be made again if it is of your interest. All collected data will be deleted from our servers if you so request or when they are no longer necessary or relevant to offer you Products and Services, except if there is any other reason for their maintenance, such as eventual legal obligation to retain data or the need to preserve them to safeguard MFMTI’s rights. To change your personal information or exclude it from our database, just send an email to dpo@mfmti.com.br, indicating in the subject line: “Subject – Data Exclusion”


This Policy may undergo updates. Therefore, we recommend periodically visiting this page so that you are aware of the modifications. In case relevant changes are made that require new authorizations from you, we will make the new privacy policy public. This Policy was last modified in September 2021.


You also have the right to petition the National Data Protection Authority, which is responsible for ensuring the respect of the rights of personal data holders in Brazil and monitoring compliance with the General Data Protection Law (Law No. 13,709/18 or LGPD). Access at: https://www.gov.br/anpd/pt-br.