personalized collection solutions.

Rely on a White Label Digital Collection Service

Increase customer recovery and maintain your brand experience.
Negocia Fácil

With our online debt negotiation service, your company can collect debts in a simple and practical way.

As it is white label, the client will have a completely personalized online environment with the creditors brand identity, giving the feeling that the negotiation is being done directly with the company.

100% Digital Collection

For over 15 years, we have been transforming our clients' collection processes.

Negocia Fácil allows debtor clients to negotiate their debts online with creditor companies without any human interference, thus meeting their preferences for digital channels of negotiation and empathetic service.

As it is completely digital, clients can:

With Negocia Fácil, your company can:

Reduce operational costs

Expand customer relationship channels

Increase payment journey productivity

Maintain brand experience

Increase credit recovery

Negocia Fácil is highly recommended

See what our customers say about our digital collection solution
What do the numbers say?

Negocia Fácil is efficient and shows high performance.

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Talk to an MFM Specialist

Talk to one of our specialists and bring to your company all the benefits that Negocia Fácil offers to increase results and reduce the delinquency rate!